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The Demise Page 13

  She frowned. “I thought we would go together,” she said.

  Carter was so angry with her that he could wring her neck. Fly Boogie? She letting Fly Boogie walk around with my bitch on his arm, Carter thought. “Nah,” he said as he walked over to the front door and held it open. She raised her eyebrows in disbelief. She knew there would be something in the air between them, but she was taken aback all the same. She didn’t wear her heart on her sleeve, however. She spotted Sam’s notepad and pen, then leaned down to pick them up. She scribbled on the pad and then handed him the note as she walked by him and out the door.

  “Here is my number. You can call me when you get to Miami,” she stated. She looked at Carter seriously. “You sure this is how you want it to be between us?”

  He stepped closer to her and lowered his voice so that he wasn’t overheard. “You laying in the bed of the little nigga I used to have watching over my blocks,” Carter stated. “A nigga that I used to line up in my army. How did you think it would be?” he asked. “You thought you were going to come in here and we were going to be a big, happy family?” Carter paused and waited for her to answer. “Let me explain something to you, ma. The only reason I’m coming back to Miami is for my son.”

  Miamor scoffed. “You real bothered for a man who has no interest, but whatever you say,” she replied. “See you in Miami, Carter.” She walked down the snowy path and back to her rental car. She could have told him that the Fly Boogie he remembered had since graduated in the streets and now had an empire that stretched up and down the West Coast, but she didn’t. There was no point in defending Fly because when it came down to it, she would only be doing it out of spite. Her heart would always be in the hands of Carter Jones, but she couldn’t force him to open back up to her. Sometimes the past was best left in the past, and although it pained her greatly, she didn’t have a choice but to move forward with her life as somebody else’s girl.

  * * *

  Carter’s heart thundered in his chest as he watched Miamor pull away. She was his girl. That’s me, he thought, but his pride kept his feet glued in place. Every fiber in his body had wanted to pull her into him, kiss her, cry with her, rejoice with her over the revelation of their son’s survival, but he couldn’t. She was poison, and partaking in her would lead to his death. She always had been bad for him and he had always known it, but it wasn’t until now that he accepted that fact. He could not allow Miamor to put him or their son in jeopardy ever again. Loving her wasn’t worth it. Despite the fact that she was the only person in the world who made him feel whole, he still couldn’t take it there. He had to cut it to her rough. He had to make it clear, because she would sniff out any indecision he had. She would recognize his weakness and she would make him love her at the drop of a dime. She had that much power over his emotions. He suffered a silent heartbreak as Miamor disappeared from his view. Some people were just meant to be together. The universe pulled them together, but they were pulling themselves apart and that unnatural separation hurt like hell.

  “You neglected to mention that you were still married.”

  Sam’s voice caused him to turn around and face her.

  “Is that why you don’t like to talk about her? Because you didn’t want me to know?” she asked.

  “It’s complicated,” he admitted.

  “She pointed a gun in my face,” Sam said in a low tone. “She said she killed someone over you. Is that true?”

  Carter walked right by her without replying.

  “Carter!” she cried out. “After three years I think I deserve to know what I’m dealing with … who I’m dealing with. You say you own a casino. That you built your empire out West in Las Vegas, but you keep guns hidden in every nook of this house. You have money hidden away under the floorboards, and I’m not talking about a few thousand dollars. You have more than my hands could count,” she said. “I know you’re not who you say you are. You have scars from bullet holes in your chest and when we have our sessions, you hold back. You can trust me, Carter. You can tell me who you really are. Whatever you’ve done. It won’t change how I look at you.”

  Carter looked her square in the eyes and said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Can I at least go to Miami with you? I’d love to meet your little boy,” she said eagerly.

  He looked at her sternly.

  “I overheard,” she admitted. “This will bring out so many new emotions in you, Carter. I can talk you through that … help you process it all.”

  He nodded. “Pack your bags. I’ll have a jet waiting at the Denver airport this evening.”

  She smiled and left the room, leaving him alone with his thoughts. He hadn’t been to Miami in eight years. Surely things had changed. So many memories haunted him. Nothing but death and destruction dwelled there, and he hoped that he wasn’t making the biggest mistake of his life by going back.


  As soon as Breeze stepped off the private jet, she inhaled deeply. The warm sun immediately warmed her face and she smiled. “Miami, I’m home,” she whispered as she shed a layer of clothes. She hadn’t been back in so long that she had almost forgotten how good it felt. Zyir placed his hand on the small of her back as they made their way across the tarmac to the black SUV that was awaiting them.

  “Mr. Rich?” the driver asked.

  Zyir nodded as he extended his hand.

  “Welcome to Miami, sir,” the driver said. He took their bags and then opened the back door for them.

  “This feels so much better than that miserable blizzard we just left,” Breeze said with a sigh of relief.

  Zyir smirked. “I’m Flint-bred, baby. It don’t bother me as much,” he answered. He reached over and grabbed her hand, squeezing it three times. It was how they said “I love you” without speaking.

  She returned the gesture. “I can’t wait to see the Diamond estate. It’s been so long,” she whispered. “Papa would be pleased that we kept it in the family. He was all about family … about loyalty. I wish he’d had a chance to meet you. He would have liked you.”

  Zyir said nothing. Instead, he looked out the window as they pulled away from the jet.

  The hour ride to the old Diamond estate was filled with a comfortable silence as memories flooded Breeze. During her teenage years she used to hop all over these streets, shopping and hanging out with her girlfriends. She tried to keep the negative times in the back of her mind because there were so many of them. Her family had reigned over Miami’s drug trade, but their power had come at a price and it had been a hefty one.

  When they pulled up to the gates of the mansion, there were guards everywhere. They walked on the inside perimeter, earpieces in their ears, black-suited despite the scorching heat. Two men manned the front gate and one sat in a security post off to the side. All were visibly armed.

  “Zyir and Breeze Rich here for Mr. Diamond,” the driver announced to the men.

  Breeze looked at Zyir with a raised brow and said, “It’s a bit much, right?” She shook her head, amused, as she cracked a smile. The gates opened and the driver entered, taking them down the long drive to the main house.

  “It looks exactly the same,” Breeze said, her excitement growing. As soon as they parked, she was out and up the steps, walking right in as if she still lived there. When she stepped inside, her mouth dropped. A woman in six-inch stilletos and a thong and bra walked right up to her.

  “Welcome, beautiful. Mr. Diamond will be right down,” she greeted them seductively.

  “Who the hell are you?” Breeze asked as Zyir walked in.

  Another scantily clad woman in hooker heels approached, her sights set directly on Zyir. “Please let me take your bags. Welcome to the Diamond estate. Can I show you to your room?”

  “Umm, no, miss thing! You can’t show my man anywhere,” Breeze said, taken aback. “And where is Money’s extra ass?”

  Zyir smirked, chuckling slightly. “This nigga is fooling,” he said to Breeze a
s he shook his head, amused.

  “No disrespect. I’m here to make sure you are well taken care of. Not just him … anything you need as well,” the girl said.

  The two women bent down and grabbed the luggage. “I’ll take these upstairs.”

  “My room is in the east wing,” Breeze instructed. The girls walked away, voluptuous bodies on full display. Even Breeze had to sneak a peek. She covered Zyir’s eyes playfully and nudged him in the ribs, causing him to laugh.

  Money walked into the room with two additional women at his sides.

  “What is this? The Playboy mansion?” Breeze asked as she greeted him. He was as handsome as ever, and on the outside seemed to have everything together. He was surrounded by protection and beautiful girls, but Breeze was his sister. She knew him well. These were all distractions. This was his way of forgetting about Leena.

  “Nah, it ain’t like that, B,” he replied as he kissed her cheek and slapped hands with Zyir. “I’m just living. You never know when somebody will take that privilege away, so until then I’m going at every day like it’s my last,” he said. “Good to see you, fam,” he said to Zyir.

  “Likewise,” Zyir replied.

  “What was so urgent that you and Carter called us all the way down here? I know you couldn’t speak over the phone, but I’m curious to know what’s brought him out of seclusion,” Breeze said.

  “Let me show you,” Monroe stated as he led the way upstairs.

  He escorted them to the room that he and Mecca used to share as kids and opened the door.

  Breeze covered her mouth in absolute shock when she saw two young boys sleeping soundly in each bed. She didn’t have to guess their identities. They were the splitting images of their fathers.

  “How?” she asked with tear-filled eyes. She had never felt such joy. “This is impossible.”

  She went to take a step inside the room, but Monroe stopped her. “Let’s wait for Carter. Let them sleep. We don’t know what they went through when they were with Baraka. They haven’t spoken much, only to each other. I want to give Carter a chance to see his son … talk to him before we overwhelm them,” Monroe said.

  “That’s best,” Zyir said.

  Breeze stepped into the room anyway, and bent down over each one of her nephews to kiss their cheeks.

  She walked back out of the room and looked at Monroe. “Get rid of the women, Money. I get it. Leena’s gone. You’re coping, but your son is back now. You don’t bring that kingpin shit around him. Papa never did. All we knew was happiness when we were their ages,” she said. Monroe knew that it wasn’t a request. Breeze didn’t boss up often, but when she did, it meant she was serious. He would be sure to honor her wishes.

  The doorbell rang.

  “That’s probably Carter,” Breeze said.

  They made their way to the front door and pulled it open to find Miamor standing there with Fly Boogie by her side.

  “Is he here yet?” she asked, referring to Carter.

  “Not yet,” Breeze replied, already knowing whom she was speaking of just by the urgent look in her eyes. “It’s good to see you.”

  Breeze and Miamor embraced, genuinely happy to see each other. Their bond had grown naturally over time. They were family, and although Miamor had made mistakes, Breeze didn’t believe in turning her back on family.

  “Come in,” Breeze said.

  Zyir looked at Monroe curiously when Fly Boogie stepped inside. “Why is he here again?” He noticed how Fly Boogie had placed his hand on the small of Miamor’s back. “The shit I’m looking at ain’t gon’ fly.”

  Zyir had vouched for Fly Boogie years ago. He was the reason why Carter even gave him a position within The Cartel. Now here he was, committing the ultimate act of disrespect. “She’s fucking with him like that?” Zyir asked.

  “That’s not important right now, Zyir,” Breeze whispered.

  Monroe looked at Zyir seriously and said, “I don’t give a fuck about all that. If it wasn’t for him, my son wouldn’t be at home safe in his bed right now. He would still be with Baraka and I would still think he was dead. He’s good money with me. Just let it be. That’s Carter’s business. He’ll handle that.”

  “Your house, your rules,” Zyir stated, but it was clear that he didn’t approve.

  “Well, we don’t have to wait and see. He’s here,” Breeze said as she looked at the high-tech security screen that showed Carter’s arrival. She rushed outside and before he could even emerge from the car, she jumped in his arms.

  “Hey, Breeze,” he greeted her.

  She pulled back from him and looked him in his eyes. His appearance was so different. He was rugged. His big beard was such a huge contrast from the clean-cut, composed boss she remembered. He had withdrawn from everyone when he thought C.J. had died. She hoped this reunion would bring him back to the man he used to be. “I’m glad you’re here. I’m glad we’re all here. It’s been a long time since we’ve all come together.”

  Sam emerged from the car behind Carter. Breeze looked at Carter curiously. “You know Mia is here, right?”

  “I’m not worried about anything but my son, B. Where is he?” Carter asked.

  She nodded her head. “Understandably,” she said. “He’s upstairs. I’ll show your friend around while you handle your business.” She turned to Sam. “Welcome to our home, Sam. Thank you for taking such good care of him.”

  Carter didn’t stick around for introductions. He walked into the Diamond estate and bypassed everyone as he headed directly for the stairs.

  “Carter,” Miamor called as she took a step toward him. Fly Boogie grabbed her elbow, stopping her from following after him. “Give him a moment with his son, ma. It’s been three years. He deserves that,” he said.

  Carter opened every door on his way down the hallway until he found his son, sleeping soundly. Against his will, his face began to contort as he was wrecked with emotion. He was overcome with happiness as the enormity of his son’s presence hit him. He knew he was so undeserving of a blessing of this magnitude. He was so grateful, he couldn’t stop the tears from flowing. They were endless. They were the most natural expression of love he had ever displayed. In this moment, he wasn’t a kingpin, he wasn’t a boss, he wasn’t a gangster … he was simply a father, grateful for the safety of his boy. He had lived the past three years weighed down by the burden of a great sadness … a great loss … and he had mourned heavily. Today was the first day since he had walked away from The Cartel that he felt like he could breathe. The burden had been lifted and his heart was so exposed that he felt embarrassed by his reaction. No one had ever seen him so weak. Footsteps behind him caused him to straighten his stance and wipe the evidence from his eyes, but when he turned around, Miamor said, “You can cry. I did for almost an hour straight when I first saw him.”

  Carter tried his hardest to keep his resolve, but he melted again into sobs as Miamor walked into his arms. He cried on her shoulder as she rubbed the back of his head gently. He resented her. His anger toward her was immeasurable, but she was the only person who understood how he felt. He knew that he could trust her with his tears. She was the one person who wouldn’t use his weakness against him. Truth was, he hated himself for loving her so much. He rested his forehead against hers.

  “It’s okay,” she whispered supportively as her dainty hands began to wipe his tears away. She used her thumbs to wipe them off of his face and then cupped his cheeks in the palms of her hands. “He’s okay,” she whispered. “There was nothing you could have done to prevent this. Nothing to save him. I caused this. We missed three years of his life because of my actions, not yours, so don’t blame yourself. You cry all of that depression out right now while it’s just me and you. Get it out of your system and when you’re done, you take back your throne.”

  He gritted his teeth and calmed himself as they stared into each other’s eyes. In her, he saw himself. He knew that he should have looked away. He knew how easily it was for her to pull him
in. She could see his love for her blazing within him. It was simmering slowly. He gripped the back of her neck and pulled her into him, kissing her so deeply that she felt it everywhere. He pulled back from her, shaking his head. “I can’t.”

  “Why not, Carter?” she asked. “We have our son back. Why can’t we just be a family?”

  “It’s dangerous being with you. You don’t think, Mia. You just react. The last time you popped off, it cost us three years with our son. Next time it might cost him his life. My life. Your life. So let’s just not do this. You go your way with your new nigga, and I’ll go mine,” Carter stated.

  “This is about me being with Fly?” she asked. “Just say it, Carter. You’re mad because I’m with him. He came back for me! When you walked away and left me, he came back! He gave me my life back. I had a bounty on my head, Carter, and you didn’t even try to save me. You just walked away and hid in your cabin on the side of a fucking mountain! He came back. You didn’t. So who should really be the one mad here? Me or you?”

  Carter squared his shoulders as his jaw flexed in anger. Every time he thought about Fly Boogie and Miamor, he wanted to body something. “That little nigga knows what you feel like, ma, what you taste like … and yeah, you said he came back for you after I left, but he was checking for you before any of this shit ever popped off. You had his head gone. Lil’ nigga had your name tatted and everything and you expect me to believe you wasn’t throwing him no pussy? My pussy? You murked Baraka’s daughter because I slept with her. She drugged me that night and you never even gave me the chance to explain that to you. You put her in a grave, Miamor! You buried her alive! What you think I want to do to him? Huh? You think I want to shake his hand? You think I want to thank him? It’s taking everything in me not to empty one in his forehead. That’s how much I love you. That’s how crazy I am over you. I understand now, why you did what you did, but us together? We’re dangerous. We aren’t rational. Our love is too deadly. I couldn’t take you back without murdering that nigga. A point has to be made. And if I do that, I jeopardize my son’s future. He loses a father. You see my dilemma?”