Murderville Read online

Page 8

  “What is going on?” Liberty whispered.

  “What do you mean? This is the one day every year that we have a chance of getting out of here. They are choosing new girls to work the brothels today. How did you forget that?” Trixie asked.

  Mixed emotions filled Liberty. She knew not to get her hopes up. Year after year she had been overlooked and bypassed. It only made her bitter to know that other chicks were moving up in the ranks while she was left to rot.

  “This is a waste of time,” she shot back with an attitude.

  “Maybe, but at least you get to wash your ass for the occasion,” Trixie stated. She knew that she would never be one of the girls to be handpicked for the brothels… she would never be more than a street walker. Lack of beauty was not the issue for Trixie because she was more than gorgeous. Her flawless looks rivaled those of any world-class super-model. It was the tool between her legs that kept her at the bottom, but she still welcomed the selection process… using it for what it was, a chance to take a real shower. Something as simple as that was a luxury.

  They were herded into a large communal bathroom and one-by-one, pushed into the shower stalls. They stood still, arms outstretched as soapy water was poured over their heads and the workers washed them from head to toe with a coarse sponge. Like livestock they were processed until they were standing side by side in only their undergarments, shivering, as wind filled the drafty warehouse.

  The doors were opened as two black limousines pulled inside. Liberty already knew who sat behind the tinted windows. They had only had one conversation, but over the years she had seen her come and go, each time choosing a few new girls but always leaving Liberty behind. The door opened and all that could be seen was the six-inch, red-bottom heel that emerged from the car. Finally Abia stepped out, looking more glamorous than ever before in a short mink jacket and a mini-dress that had come straight off the runway. Her eyes flew down the line quickly as she immediately pointed out a couple girls that appeared valuable. Her beauty was so intimidating that even the most arrogant of the streetwalkers became unsure. Those who covered themselves were instantly written off Abia’s list of hopefuls. There was nothing she could do with an insecure young girl… she needed the sharks… the arrogant ones out of the bunch who were well-versed in the business of sex. She only wanted the bad bitches in her brothels because that’s what it took to play the game at her level.

  Liberty stood indifferent as she rolled her eyes slightly as Abia passed her. Liberty had been through this process many times before and her nerves were non-existent. As Abia was about to move onto the next girl, Liberty sucked her teeth causing Abia to halt mid-step. She looked sharply at Liberty and returned to stand directly in front of her. She smirked slightly, sensing a change in Liberty. Abia had purposefully bypassed Liberty over the years because she was soft. Liberty hadn’t been ready. Her emotions had always betrayed her sensitive heart, but as Abia stood before her, this time she sensed a change. The streets had finally accomplished the act of hardening Liberty.

  “I want her,” Abia said as Liberty looked at her in shock. Abia kept it moving down the line as she chose more girls. Just as quickly as she had come she left.

  “She picked me,” Liberty whispered. She turned to Trixie in disbelief, but when she noticed the dismal look on her friend’s face she realized what that meant. For the first time in eight years they were about to be split up. The devastation on Trixie’s face caused Liberty’s lip to tremble from grief as her heart broke in half. She hadn’t felt this in so long, and as she gripped Trixie’s hand her thoughts drifted to A’shai. She had thought of him often during her time on the streets but she always forced him to the back of her mind because she knew that she would never see him again. It was easier to just not think of him at all. A’shai had been her first love and best friend, but Trixie had been her only friend since him. She loved Trixie with all of her heart. They were brought together by circumstance and now they were being forced apart by a system that ranked Liberty higher simply because she was a real woman. She felt the same feeling of loss and the familiar hurt filled her as she looked Trixie in the eyes.

  “I’m getting out of here, Lib. I’m not staying here without you,” Trixie whispered as she shook her head from side-to-side. As Liberty was pulled from the line, she reached for Trixie.

  “No, I’m not leaving her here!” she protested as she lunged away from the men while crying hysterically. Flashbacks of being torn away from A’shai ran through her mind. It felt as if she were reliving the same hell all over again. As Liberty was dragged towards the second awaiting limo all eyes were on her as the shepherds attempted to calm her down. Amidst the chaos Trixie grabbed one of the AK-47’s from one of the men and began firing. The hair trigger caused bullets to fly as everyone ducked for cover. Trixie ran full speed towards the exit and out of instinct, Liberty snatched away from the men and took off after her. The screams of the other girls and the array of gunfire caused everyone to panic. It was the chance of a lifetime… the chance to flee and every girl took the opportunity. Scantily clad women and men ran in every direction, causing Liberty to lose sight of Trixie.

  “Trix! Trixie!” Liberty called out into the crowd. She didn’t see her girl, but she had to keep running. She was already too far gone to turn back now. Liberty ran in the opposite direction of the crowd, while covering herself as best as she could. It was broad daylight outside and she knew that she wouldn’t get very far without any clothing. Once she was a few blocks away she ran down a deserted alley and cowered behind a dumpster. She would have to wait until nightfall before she could run any further. In the meantime she looked up and down skid row, making herself aware of her surroundings just in case she needed to find a quick escape.

  Liberty burst into the corner store, causing a scene, as she pushed past the customers at the counter. She knocked on the bulletproof glass causing Juan to look at her like she was crazy.

  “Liberty? What the…?”

  “I need the key… the key, Juan, please,” she said desperately as she looked around nervously. She knew that she was taking a risk by coming to collect her stash, but without it she would be stuck. She had gone all day on E, and her body was craving a fix so badly that every part of her ached. He passed her the key and watched as she frantically headed to the bathroom. Once inside she locked the door and rushed to remove the back from the porcelain toilet, but when she looked inside and saw nothing but clear water the contents of her stomach came up. The money was gone and although it had not been much, it was all she had to get by. There was only one other person who knew where her money was stashed.

  I trusted her, Liberty thought, knowing that Trixie had gotten to the money first. A knock at the door interrupted her thoughts. “Just a minute!” she called through the door.

  “It’s Juan!”

  Liberty unlocked the door, and he opened it slightly. “I’ve got some clothes for you. Nothing fancy… just some sweats,” he said.

  “Did Trixie come here?” she asked as tears fell down her cheeks.

  “I don’t know. My shift just started not too long ago,” Juan said. “You need some help a’ something?”

  “No… the clothes are enough… thank you.” Her voice cracked as she spoke and he wanted to press the issue, but decided that he didn’t want to become involved in whatever problem she had gotten herself into.

  “Lib, I don’t mean to put you out but the customers…”

  “Don’t worry. I’m leaving,” she whispered as she wiped her nose. A shiver ran down her spine. She quickly dressed and dropped her head as she headed towards the exit. She didn’t even see the black limousine that was sitting curbside outside of the store until it was too late. She was snatched up before she could protest and stuffed inside the car.

  “Don’t make a scene, Liberty,” Abia said as soon as Liberty’s behind hit the leather seats.

  “Am I going to die?” Liberty asked. She didn’t want to beat around the bush. She had seen
girls be killed for much less.

  “No,” Abia answered shortly. “The bad days are over Liberty. I told you a long time ago that you had to earn your stripes. You have done that. Now you’re ready… I’m about to introduce you to an entirely new world. The pain is over. It’s time to enjoy the spoils of this business.”

  “And Trixie? Where is she?” Liberty asked.

  “You mean the guy who grabbed the gun?” Abia asked.

  “Don’t call her that. She’s more woman than you’ll ever be,” Liberty shot back.

  Abia smiled at Liberty’s loyalty, knowing that men paid top dollar for that type of dedication.

  “She wasn’t caught, and she better hope that she never is. They will kill her for a stunt like the one she pulled,” Abia replied honestly. “Now I don’t have time to babysit. At this level it’s no longer enslavement, Liberty. You’re not trapped here, but most of the girls choose to stay. Spend one day with me… let me show you the ropes… if you don’t like what you see you can walk away free and clear.”

  “I can leave?” Liberty asked in a disbelieving tone.

  “You’ve worked the boulevard for eight years. You’ve earned the right to make your own choice… but at least know what you’re walking away from before you decide. One day. That’s all I ask of you,” Abia stressed. She reached into a compartment inside of the limo and pulled out a silver dish filled with heroin. As soon as Liberty saw it, her breath caught in her throat. She needed to hit that as soon as possible. Her body was yearning for it.

  Liberty nodded as her tense body remained on pins and needles. She did not know what to expect, but she decided to go with the flow. At that point she needed a pick me up and without any cash of her own, Abia was the only one who could fulfill her craving. “Okay,” she agreed.

  “Okay,” Abia said with satisfaction as she opened her legs and placed the drug-filled dish on the seat in between her legs. “Come get it.”

  Liberty got down on the limo floor, positioning herself between Abia’s thighs and as she indulged in the drug, Abia stroked her hair. Liberty was stepping into a completely new world, one where her destiny would be in her own hands. One where eroticism and seduction was enjoyable instead of forced. As Abia’s fingertips massaged her scalp, Liberty’s entire body began to tingle. Her hands felt like silk feathers as Abia kneaded and stroked the contours of Liberty’s neck. She was a woman with much experience. At thirty-two, she had experienced every aspect of the game and although she was retired from servicing clientele, she mentored every girl who came under her wing. They each admired her, and Liberty would be no different. Abia was a legend in the business. With every new girl that passed through her hands, she established a pecking order. Abia was the head-bitch-in-charge, no exceptions, and she seduced each new girl so that they understood who was the lead dog in the pack. It was Abia’s extravagant world, and she was the queen. Liberty set up lines of heroin, filling up with as much as possible to avoid the empty feeling that had just tortured her. Her eyelids fluttered from pleasure as Abia caressed her.

  “Have you slept with a woman before, Liberty?” Abia whispered as she rolled up the window that separated them from the driver.

  Liberty nodded her head as she continued to snort the powder between Abia’s legs. Abia reached down and removed the dish, then pulled her thong to the side. “Are you good at it?” she asked suggestively.

  Completely caught up in the orgasmic feeling of her high, Liberty’s curiosity got the best of her. Numerous women had paid her for her services during her days of tricking, but none had ever been like Abia. Her essence was different from any woman Liberty had ever encountered. She possessed a mystique that made Liberty’s body react to her. Abia lifted Liberty’s shirt and rubbed Liberty’s hardened nipple as she repeated, “Show me.”

  Liberty pulled Abia to the edge of the car seat and put her hands beneath Abia’s behind as she dipped her tongue inside her warmth. Liberty was no amateur. She knew how to make any human being cum. Women always paid the most so Liberty had made sure that she was good at it. She pulled Abia’s clit in between her lips and licked it with just enough pressure to make Abia squirm.

  “Oooh,” she moaned, surprised at the pleasure that Liberty was giving her. Liberty sucked and pulled while softly nibbling on Abia’s flesh button. Liberty knew that she was being tested but was confident that she was passing with flying colors. The way that Abia was contracting her ass let Liberty know that she was doing her job. She flicked her tongue back and forth, fast and then slow… slow and then fast before sucking it with just enough pressure to make Abia’s eyes roll in the back of her head. Liberty was so into it that she reached one hand into her own panties and played with herself as she brought Abia into ecstasy. Abia smiled in complete bliss as she caught her breath, and Liberty sat back on the seat, directly across from her. Liberty’s head fell back as she wiped her mouth.

  “Is that good enough for you?” she asked.

  “That was the best,” Abia replied with a smirk. She was surprised at Liberty’s ability to pleasure a woman and could only imagine the skills she had acquired for sexing a man.

  There was no way that she could let Liberty slip through the cracks. She needed her as an addition to the brothel. It was a money game and with a working girl like Liberty, Abia knew that she couldn’t lose.

  Liberty was flying high as a kite and her soul was content as the heroin took her to a temporary sanctuary of euphoria. Her neck was on a swivel as she looked out of the limousine’s windows at the multi-million dollar homes that were nestled in the hills of the city. Beverly Hills seemed like light years away from where she had just come. The manicured lawns, privacy fences, and opulent mini-mansions were breath taking.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “Home,” Abia replied simply as she placed oversized Gucci glasses on her face.


  WHEN THE CAR PULLED UP TO THE mansion Liberty was in a state of disbelief. When she had thought of working a brothel, she had pictured something completely different. This was luxury at its finest. She immediately felt out of place in the sweat suit she was wearing. She looked down at her threads.

  “Don’t worry, Liberty. No one is here to judge you. These girls came from the exact same place that you did. They know what it’s like. Let’s just go inside and freshen up before I show you around,” Abia stated. The driver opened the door for them, and Abia exited the vehicle. Liberty hesitantly followed. She felt like she had just been sent to Emerald City. She may as well have been on another planet-that’s how foreign the opulence was. She pulled nervously at her clothes as she followed Abia inside.

  “There are twenty girls that live at the mansion. Ten are veterans and ten are new girls like you,” Abia explained while giving Liberty a tour of the estate. “We understand the importance of personal space and privacy here so each of you has your very own master suite.” Abia opened two French doors and spread her arms wide to show Liberty her room. She gasped at the beautiful décor. “This is your room if you want it,” Abia continued as she spun around, showing off the lovely space. Liberty couldn’t wait to soak in the deep-jetted bathtub or sit at the vanity and brush her hair. Although it seemed trivial, those were things that she had never done… to be a true woman, in control of her own destiny. She had no idea what that felt like. Liberty was speechless at how things had changed in the blink of an eye.

  “There has to be a catch,” Liberty stated.

  “No catch, Liberty. This is the life. We don’t deal with bullshit johns that make you feel worthless. Our client list consists of politicians, stockbrokers, judges, athletes, oil tycoons… the elite of our society. Many of our ladies don’t stay in the business long. Many have been turned into the wives of the men that frequent here,” Abia stated.

  “What’s the split?” Liberty asked as she weighed the pros and cons of the situation. Part of her wanted to leave and never look back, but there was something so intriguing about Abia’s offer
that Liberty could not refuse her.

  “60/40,” Abia replied frankly. “But all of your other needs are taken care of… you get to live in this fabulous home rent free. You get to drive foreign cars and rock designer clothes. You get to live the life that most people only dream of.”

  A knock at the door interrupted their conversation as another girl entered the room.

  “The glam squad is heeerre,” the girl announced excitedly as she clapped her hands together.

  Abia smiled knowing that her team of professional stylists was right on time.

  “We’ll be down in a minute,” Abia told the girl. She turned back to Liberty. “There are clothes and toiletries in the walk-in closet. You should be able to find something that can fit you. If you decide to stay you’ll be given a stipend each month to update your wardrobe to your tastes. You get yourself together while I go freshen up. I’ll meet you downstairs in a few and then I can introduce you to everyone.”